We are very excited to launch our new program:
200 Hour
Because we love the convenience, of Online Yoga Teacher Training
the community, connection, love + hands on that happens in the
In Person trainings we've created our latest addition: Our Hybrid YTT

How it Works
We will be offering our 200 Hour Hybrid Yoga Teacher Trainings several times through out each year. You can begin with the Online portion of our training any time you like. The entire Online portion can be completed within 16 very full days OR you can take your time and go at your own pace.
The IN PERSON Portions are 50 Hours
being offered in
High River Alberta + Salmon Arm BC.
(We are in the process of setting dates, if you have any date requests, we are happy to hear them)

To find out more about our Trainings:
To Meet the Lead Trainers of Vibrant One Yoga:
For more information email vibrantoneyoga@gmail.com